Sanmar to build a new tug for Ultratug Sanmar has signed its first contract of 2025 with a deal to…
Sanmar to build a new tug for Ultratug Sanmar has signed its first contract of 2025 with a deal to…
Remolcador “escort” construido por Asenav es adquirido por Ultratug Astilleros y Servicios Navales (Asenav) dio cuenta que el remolcador “escort”…
South America: owners expand towage capabilities Latin American owners added newbuildings to their fleets in August, September and October of…
MAHI Delivers Cutting-Edge Remote Operation Solution on Ultratug’s ENCO Tugboat We are proud to announce the successful installation of the…
Ultratug incorpora nuevo remolcador a su flota en Punta Arenas, Chile «Lenga» es una nave multipropósito del tipo AHTS (Anchor…
Nueva emergencia en el Puerto de Barranquilla: buque se taponó con tarulla Una nueva emergencia se registró este sábado en…
Working tug-ether to supply America’s ports with reliable vessels Ultratug is one of the leading tugboat suppliers within Latin America;…
Chilean salvage provider Ultratug has received a significant boost to its fleet with addition of the AHTS/salvage tug Lenga The…
COLTUGS anunció sus exitosos procesos de certificación ISO 14064 y PAS 2060 con Bureau Veritas Es la primera compañía del…
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